BDA Consulting Group

About Us

Our Company

For over 20 years, BDA Consulting Group has been dedicated to providing innovative solutions for local governments worldwide. Brian Davis, President and CEO of BDA Consulting Group, has personally been inside of more than 2,000 city halls nationwide and has attended more than 500 city council meetings.

BDA Consulting has represented numerous companies that provide products and services to the public sector, including several Fortune 500 Companies:

Brian Davis

President and CEO

About Brian

Brian has served as the Director of the Southwest and Midwest Innovation Groups (now known as the ICMA Alliance for Innovation), a non-profit collection of nearly 1,000 forward-thinking cities and counties.

For the past 15 years, Brian has served in a consulting role as the Director of the National League of Cities SLWP.

Brian is also a contributing co-author of the book “Bottom Line Green: How America’s Cities are Saving the Planet (and Money Too).” 

Brian has served as a regular keynote speaker at the NLC Annual Congress of Cities Conference, NLC City Summit Conference, and the City Manager Association of Oklahoma Ohio City Manager Association, Texas Municipal League and the West Virginia Municipal League Annual Conferences. Brian has had numerous articles on cutting-edge local government technologies and programs published in a variety of state municipal league and city manager/elected official newsletters nationwide.

Brian received a BS in Human Communications from Abilene Christian University and completed post-graduate work in Sociology at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford, England. In 1998, Brian moved to Chicago, IL, and continued post-graduate work at DePaul University (Information Technology) while working as a Technology Risk Consultant for Arthur Andersen during the Y2K crisis.

In January of 2000, Brian co-founded Accountability International, Inc. a patented, web-based, Internet productivity tool.

In September of 2019, Brian co-founded CityFront Innovations, the first Smart City Integration Platform and artificially intelligent mobile app for cities that utilizes Natural Language Processing, Image Recognition, and Augmented Reality.

Strategic Relationships

John Kinnaird

Former Waco City Council Member and National League of Cities Board Member

Jim Hunt

27 year City Council Member and Former President of National League of Cities

Jarred Brejcha

Former Tulsa, OK, Mayor’s Chief of Staff

Courtney Chesla-Torres

Former Los Angeles City Council Chief of Staff

Jermaine Reed

Former Kansas City, MO, City Council Member

Adam Medrano

Former President of Dallas Independent School Board and Former Dallas, TX, Mayor Pro Tem

Clint O’Rear

Creative Solutions Consulting

Joe Moore

NLC Board Member and 28-year Chicago Alderman

Ryan Clay

Texas State Lobbyist