BDA Consulting helps El Paso Water cover thousands of dollars for customers who experience expensive water leaks
The new ServLine® Water Leak Protection Program will help EPWater customers with high water bills that result from qualifying leaks.
BDA Consulting utilizes a truly unique business model that is best described as a collaboration of innovative thinking merged with 22 years of deep relationships and experience with the public sector.
BDA Consulting prides itself on finding cutting edge products and services that help local governments (and the citizens that live there). We are passionate about finding ways to improve citizen’s quality of life within the cities they have chosen to live, while helping city hall bring the Silicon Valley and Wall Street to Main Street.
BDA Consulting finds the perfect mix of next generation products, services, and thinking with the experience of retired local government appointed and elected officials.
For the past decade, BDA Consulting Group, Inc., has been dedicated to providing innovative solutions for local governments worldwide. BDA Consulting Group has narrowed its focus over the past few years toward programs that are of little cost (or free) for cities to participate in, generate a healthy and sustainable revenue stream for the municipality, and create value added services for citizens.
Whether you’re a city leader looking to solve a problem or an innovative company looking to expand your business, Brian Davis is always the first person you should talk to.
Derek Green, Former At Large Councilmember, City of Philadelphia, PA, Former President of Pennsylvania Municipal League, Former National League of Cities Board Member
The new ServLine® Water Leak Protection Program will help EPWater customers with high water bills that result from qualifying leaks.
CityFront is smart city technology that combines a mobile app with an array of AI tools within its integration platform to connect everyone within your community. Your community is always our focus. Smart city technology is the tool to bring everyone together.
BDA Consulting Group, Inc
122 Tennyson Place
Suite 104
Coppell, TX 75019